I have two clients using Formbricks for everything from simple contact forms to full-blown "in-app experience management". One of them needed a Helm chart to deploy to their Kubernetes environment, and they were happy to let me share:

GitHub - nmcclain/formbricks-helm: Helm chart for deploying Formbricks on Kubernetes
Helm chart for deploying Formbricks on Kubernetes. Contribute to nmcclain/formbricks-helm development by creating an account on GitHub.

Formbricks rocks. I love it for the Open Source license and the fact the only dependency is Postgres.

Users love it for the rich widgets, beautiful mobile-first UI, and large library of best-practices surveys.

Product managers love it for the no-code triggers, powerful segmentation options, and slick reporting.

I think you'll love it, too.

Hey, we all want to see Formbricks succeed and prove out the COSS business model. Please use this chart for anything but hosting a competing product.



At a minimum, you have to set these two options in a Helm values file:

  webapp_url: http://localhost:3000
  nextauth_url: http://localhost:3000

All options are defined in the values.yaml file. Formbricks configuration documentation can be found here.

Create formbricks secret

  • Create formbricks namespace: kubectl create ns formbricks
  • Execute the following command after updating the Postgres connection string:
kubectl create secret -n formbricks generic formbricks-secrets \
	--from-literal=database_url='postgresql://formbricks:CHANGE_ME@postgres:5432/formbricks?schema=public' \
	--from-literal=nextauth_secret="`openssl rand -hex 32`" \
	--from-literal=encryption_key="`openssl rand -hex 32`"

Install Chart

helm upgrade --install -n formbricks formbricks oci://ghcr.io/nmcclain/formbricks/formbricks --version 0.1.6

Next steps

More documentation can be found in the README.

Running into issues? Missing features? Please open a GitHub issue!

If you're facing challenging Kubernetes or ops problems, I'm focused where software, infrastructure, and culture intersect. Get in touch here!